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[Rust Normal & ALPHA] 7/21/2024

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This is my progress for this week, some features were just returned, although they are not safe to use with normal cheats, but with our emulation, they won't do any harm to your account. Also added some cool features that no one else has on the market (as far as I know).

For your information, I'm always open for your suggestions to add some new features or some cool stuff 🙂

For those who were wondering, I've updated the feature list, hopefully I didn't miss anything: https://tildacheats.cc/topic/27-rust-normal-alpha/



* Added Scientists Only Head
* Added Enemies Only Head
* Added Magic Heli (detected feature, but not in our cheat)

* Added Status Window (shows when Heli & Oil Rigs & Bradley & Cargo will respawn)(check screenshot below, maybe I will change size of it in the future)
* Added "Lag Switch" (up to 3 seconds) [Only in ALPHA] (if you know you know (:)

* Added fully Stream Proof mode (bypassing Discord Screen 1 and etc.)(optional)
* reAdded Auto Craft Stacking
* reAdded Instant Suicide
* Added Discord RPC (Timer; TC Watermark; Loaded build; Link to our website;)
* Added Code Lock Brute Force Bot
* reAdded Player HP Bar (Prediction)
* Updated Heli ESP (now shows: fuel count)

Entity Status List:

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48 minutes ago, OBBY said:

Good update brudda, can you hook me up with a weekly subscription? 👉👈


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